Hope Of The Ages - Cody Carnes LYRICS:The gospel of JesusIt’s the hope of the agesBurning brighter & brighterAnd standing forever The church He is...
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The Blessing - Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes with Elevation Worship
The Blessing - Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes with Elevation WorshipThe Blessing Lyrics:Verse:The Lord bless youAnd keep youMake His face shine upon youAnd be gracious...
Forever & Amen - Cody Carnes feat. Kari Jobe
Lyrics Forever & Amen - Cody Carnes feat. Kari JobeVerseOur FatherThat which art in heavenWe will keep Your holy nameYour KingdomAs it is in heavenLet...
Christ Be Magnified [Live from Passion] - Cody Carnes
LYRICS Christ Be Magnified:Were creation suddenly articulateWith a thousand tongues to lift one cryThen from north to south and east to westWe’d hear Christ be...